Test GuardDuty’s Integration with Radiant Security

Test your AWS integration with a GuardDuty automation script.


To test and verify your AWS integration with Radiant Security, we provide a script that generates sample GuardDuty findings. After running the script, please reach out to your contact at Radiant Security to validate that we’ve received the sample findings from all of your AWS accounts.

The following script is designed to automate the one-time generation of AWS GuardDuty sample findings across multiple AWS accounts and regions. It logs messages and errors, fetches enabled regions, and processes GuardDuty operations by creating sample findings.

This guide provides details about the script’s components and functionalities:


  • AWS CLI installed and configured
  • Proper AWS IAM permissions to do the following CLI calls:
    • aws ec2 describe-regions (in order to know which regions to run)
    • aws guardduty list-detectors
    • aws guardduty create-sample-findings
  • Bash environment to run the script

Bash script


# Path to the credentials file
# Path to the log file

# Function to log messages
log_message() {
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - $1" | tee -a "$LOG_FILE"

# Function to log errors
log_error() {
echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - ERROR: $1" >> "$LOG_FILE"

# Function to fetch enabled regions for the organization
fetch_enabled_regions() {
echo $(aws ec2 describe-regions --query "Regions[*].RegionName" --output text)

# Function to process each account's GuardDuty operations
function process_guardduty_for_account() {
local account_id="$1"
local key_id="$2"
local access_key="$3"
local session_token="$4"
local region="$5"

log_message "Processing for Account ID $account_id in region $region..."

# Fetch the first GuardDuty detector ID in the region
local output
output=$(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$key_id" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$access_key" AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="$session_token" AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="$region" aws guardduty list-detectors --query "DetectorIds[0]" --output text --region "$region" 2>&1)
local status=$?
if [ "$status" -ne 0 ]; then
log_error "Failed to list detectors for Account ID $account_id in region $region: $output"
elif [ "$output" == "None" ]; then
log_message "No GuardDuty detectors found for Account ID $account_id in region $region."

local detector_id="$output"
log_message "Generating sample findings for Detector ID $detector_id..."
output=$(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$key_id" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$access_key" AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="$session_token" AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="$region" aws guardduty create-sample-findings --detector-id "$detector_id" --finding-types 'UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/SSHBruteForce' --region "$region" 2>&1)
if [ "$status" -ne 0 ]; then
log_error "Failed to create sample findings for Account ID $account_id: $output"
log_message "Sample findings generated for Account ID: $account_id in region $region."

# Main function to initiate processing
function main() {
log_message "Starting GuardDuty operations..."
# Assigns the first argument to credentials_path, or defaults to $CREDENTIALS_FILE if not provided.
local credentials_path="$1"
if [ -z "$credentials_path" ]; then

# Assigns the second argument to accounts_list, or defaults to all accounts if not provided.
local accounts_list=(${@:2})

local enabled_regions=($(fetch_enabled_regions))

local current_account_id
local aws_access_key_id
local aws_secret_access_key
local aws_session_token

while IFS= read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
case "$line" in
# Process the previous account if all data is available
if [[ -n "$current_account_id" ]]; then
if [ ${#accounts_list[@]} -eq 0 ] || [[ " ${accounts_list[*]} " =~ " $current_account_id " ]]; then
for region in "${enabled_regions[@]}"; do
process_guardduty_for_account "$current_account_id" "$aws_access_key_id" "$aws_secret_access_key" "$aws_session_token" "$region"
# Start new account block
current_account_id=$(echo "$line" | sed -e 's/\\[\\(.*\\)_.*\\]/\\1/')
done < "$credentials_path"

# Process the last account if all data is available
if [[ -n "$current_account_id" ]] && [ ${#accounts_list[@]} -eq 0 ] || [[ " ${accounts_list[*]} " =~ " $current_account_id " ]]; then
for region in "${enabled_regions[@]}"; do
process_guardduty_for_account "$current_account_id" "$aws_access_key_id" "$aws_secret_access_key" "$aws_session_token" "$region"

log_message "GuardDuty operations completed."

# If no arguments are provided, the script will use the default credentials file and process all accounts.
main "$@"

Script components

Variable Description
CREDENTIALS_FILE Path to the credentials file.
LOG_FILE Path to the log file where all operations will be logged.
Function Description
log_message() Logs error messages with a timestamp into the log file.
log_error() Path to the log file where all operations will be logged.
fetch_enabled_regions() Returns a list of AWS regions where services are enabled for the organization.
process_guardduty_for_account() Processes GuardDuty operations for a specific account in a given region using the account's AWS credentials. It fetches the first GuardDuty detector and generates sample findings.
main() Main function that initiates the processing. It reads the credentials file, determines the list of accounts to process (all or specified ones), and iterates over each account and enabled region to process GuardDuty operations.

Script operation

  1. Logging: The script maintains a detailed log of all operations, including errors, in results.log.
  2. Credentials Handling: The script reads AWS credentials from a specified local file. It expects credentials to be in a specific format, where each account's credentials are separated by headers like [account_id_region]. Consult the example in this guide for more detail.
  3. Region Handling: The script fetches the list of enabled AWS regions and processes each account for those regions.
  4. GuardDuty Processing: For each account and each enabled region, the script attempts to list and create sample findings for GuardDuty detectors.


Credentials file

  • Store AWS credentials in credentials.txt by default.

  • The format should be as follows for each account:



Log File

  • All operations are logged in results.log.


Run the script by using the following command in the terminal:

./generate_guardduty_findings.sh [credentials_file_path] [account_id1 account_id2 ...]

  • credentials_file_path: Optional. Specify the path to your credentials file. Defaults to credentials.txt.
  • account_id1 account_id2 ...: Optional. Specify the list of account IDs to process. If omitted, the script processes all accounts listed in the credentials file.


To process all accounts with the default credentials file, simply run:


To process specific accounts (e.g., 123456789012 and 987654321098), use:

./generate_guardduty_findings.sh credentials.txt 123456789012 987654321098

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Last updated: 2024-08-23